Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How leg cramps can be treated?

Leg cramps are involuntary, confined painful muscles contraction, which usually affect calf muscles but can occur anywhere in the leg. Generally, leg cramps occur at night and last only seconds to minutes. After cramping has passed you may feel pain and tenderness for hours.

Cause of Leg Cramps:
Following are the causes of leg cramps:
1.       Poor blood circulation in the legs
2.       Dehydration
3.       Fatigue
4.       Kidney Disease
It can also occur due to the side effects of medication.

How LegCramps can be Treated?
Other than exercise and lifestyle changes, taking  Kee pharma’s tocotrienol supplement can treat leg cramps. TocoTrio not only addresses the symptoms of leg cramps, But also addresses the root cause of it.

What makes Toco Trio a best supplement for leg cramps?
1. It has 70 times higher uptake value than alpha tocopherol.
2. Higher recycling efficiency in the Cells.
3. 100% more anti oxidant than alpha tocopherol.
4. supports blood circulation in the legs by vasodilation.
5. Improves regulation of Ca and Mg content.
6. Improves glycogen storage in muscles.
7. Prevents oxidation of certain radicals.
8. Offers prompt and gratifying relief

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