Monday, September 2, 2019

Nocturnal Leg Cramp

 What is Nocturnal Leg Cramp?

Leg Cramp which is also known as “Charley Horses” is a condition in which your leg muscles get tightened. Generally it occurs in calf muscles but can also occur in feet and thighs. After cramping has passed you can have pain for several hours. Usually leg cramps happen at night and such type of cramps are called “Nocturnal Cramp”.

How do I know if I have Leg Cramp?
There are many other conditions which have similar symptoms to leg cramps. Your doctor can review the symptoms and confirm whether you have leg cramps or not. He can ask for the tests to rule out other conditions.
What causes Leg Cramp?        
Sometimes the cause of leg cramps is Idiopathic (Unknown). In other cases, there can be underlying conditions or another identifiable reason.
Idiopathic leg cramps
In spite of the fact that the cause of idiopathic leg cramps is unknown, there are many theories about what might cause idiopathic leg cramps. These include:
·         Abnormal nerve activity during sleep.
·         Excessive strain placed on leg muscles during exercise.
·         Abnormal blood supply
Also, tendons naturally shorten over time as a person grew older, which is the reason why older people are particularly affected by leg cramps. Tendons are the tough band of fibrous tissue which connects muscles to the bone . If the tendons become too short, they may leads the muscles connected to them to cramp.
Secondary leg cramps
Secondary leg cramps are caused by an underlying conditions or another identifiable cause. These include:
·         pregnancy
·         exercise
·         neurological conditions
·         liver disease
·         infection
·         toxins
·         dehydration
How Tocotrio can cure leg cramp?
Tocotrio relaxes cramps by supporting blood circulation in legs by vasodilation, Improves regulation of ca and mg content, improves glycogen storages in muscles and also prevents oxidation of certain radicals.
What makes tocotrio better than the tocotrienol supplements of same range?
1. It has 70% higher cellular uptake than alpha tocopherol.
2. Higher recycling efficiency in cell.
3.100% more antioxidant than alpha tocopherol

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